Monday, February 06, 2017

Super Trout on Super Bowl Sunday

Shu nice fish!
Super Bowl Sunday had Shu and I on Keuka Lake fishing for lake trout.  We used large shiners from the Outdoor Store as we specifically wanted trout that we could cook for the Super Bowl dinner Shu was hosting.  The wind shifted from the south to west late morning with a little snow in the air.  We caught two trout and probably lost 5 more.  Using the small perch rigs makes catching the trout so much fun.  5' rods with 4 pound mono test tied to 6 pound fluorocarbon leaders, no swivels, only hooks and our homemade weights.

One wild and one stocked lake trout
My DIY weights
The color of the two trout we kept were so different that it was the source of much conversation.  We could tell from the split fin of one that it was a stocked trout and the other must have been wild.
 Both of these trout had perch minnows in their belly.

I cooked the trout over low heat on Shu's Green Egg with garlic/lemon butter and Old Bay Seasoning.
Keuka Lake trout are very sweet, regardless of how they are cooked or smoked.  An incredible tasting fish.  We enjoyed the
perch in the belly of the trout
meal with my niece Abbey, Jessica, Bailey, my lovely wife, and Shu's lovely wife.  Plus the football game was pretty amazing too!

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