Sunday, April 27, 2014

Two of my hunting buddies....

Brud and Jake
Last night my wife and I found ourselves looking at old photo albums and we came across this picture that I am guessing was taken 15 years ago.  I wish I had more pictures because this was the largest deer that I have ever personally been involved with hunting.  This buck was 225 dressed!  When we hung him he was so big his hooves were still on the floor.  Literally 100+ deer later, this is still our biggest buck.

What is particularly nice for me is the fond memories this picture represents.  Brud and I have been hunting partners for 20 years.  A great father and husband he is the perfect friend to have for those long walks and talks about marriage and raising kids.  The quiet solitude of this sport offers the opportunity to reflect which is a rarity in our very busy lives.
Jake's Senior Pic

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