Friday, November 27, 2009

Deer season continues

Well we continue to hunt morning, noon and night. I have had three more opportunities at the 10 pt buck in Bloomfield, but every time I needed just a few more inches of view. Hunting with a muzzleloader really keeps one focused on taking a carefully placed shot as you typically only have one good crack at it. Jake has done a great job at passing up the little bucks, holding our for a shootable buck. Today we are hunting across the street to see if we can fill some of our doe tags as we only have 8 legal tags to fill?!?!

This picture was taken Thanksgiving AM round 11. It is my favorite spot to take a break after hiking several miles pushing the bush. This shagbark hickory stands proudly alone in this field. The warm sun on our faces lured us both into a comfortable snooze...ahhhh got to love deer hunting.

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