Sunday, April 19, 2020

RIP Fish Whisperer

RIP Jim Byron 2020

Seneca River walleye
Probably the best pan fisherman I ever new.  Jim Byron was gifted with a nose for perch.  20 years ago my friend Dave asked me to go perch fishing.  Why would I want to do that, I said.  The perch I grew up with were tiny.  Dave said he a friend, Jim Byron, who catches perch 14 inches and bigger.  That was the biggest fish tale I had ever heard, but I went with them.  First time out was on Seneca Lake by the power plant.  Jim, Dave and I had ultra light rods.  Jim showed us how to put two hooks on loops with a homemade pencil weight on the end of the line.  The loops he said allowed the minnows to swim naturally.  
Jim at deer camp

All day Jim pulled in perch after perch.  Often he had doubles and they all were over 12 inches.  Dave and I caught nothing.  Using the exact same rigs with the exact same boat as Jim.  He laughed hilariously at our frustration and cursing his performance.  

He taught us about the "sense" you have when a big perch inhales the minnow.  One does not hardly feel anything.  After this outing Dave and I would go many times and very slowly we developed the sixth sense that he talked about.  I was able to teach my children the same technique.  Over the years we have had many 50+ 12"+ perch outings and I owe them all to Jim,

Jim also joined us for deer season.  He loved to bring in food from Swans Market and leave it in a crockpot for us to have for lunch.  His favorite gun was a smooth bore 10 gauge.  He was also known for shooting the first thing that walked by.  One year the deer he shot was so small that after processing it I was able to fit it all the venison in a shoe box.

Jim was a good man with a heart of gold.  My life has been richer because of him and I will miss him.  RIP Jim.

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