Sunday, March 10, 2019

Crazy Clear Ice South End of Canandaigua Lake

Dave visual fishing
Looking 20' deep through ice hole
First of February Dave and I had a hot tip from a friend that the crappie were biting in south Canandaigua Lake.  We took the small sled and went to check it out.  The lake was open except for the last half mile.  I would never have gone out on the ice but there was at least 100 ice fisherman out there and a few ATVs.  The ice was crystal clear with no snow on it.  I had never seen anything like it.  The ice was so clear that it was like looking through a thin pane of clean glass and you could see right to the bottom.  That is how is was as we walked a half mile out to about 20' of water and you could see the bottom clear as day...unbelievable and awful creepy as my mind was saying "you should not be here".  Turns out the ice was 8" thick.  We did not catch a fish but we saw over 50.  The water was so clear that if you moved the fish would be spooked.  We saw perch, crappie, lake trout, and small mouth bass that were giants.  I did take a major header on the ice as I was knocked over by a heavy gust.  Fortunately neither me or the ice broke. 

You can see the edge of the ice northward

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