Saturday, April 15, 2017

Lots of Keuka Lake trout

It has been quite a spring fishing on Keuka Lake.  Early spring fishing on Keuka is, for me, the most exciting. The water is crystal clear and 43 degrees . It is like fishing on an aquarium as you can see so much activity below the water.  There are large schools of perch minnows being chased by various species of trout in the shallows up and down the shoreline.  The trout are extremely active and running along the drop-offs.  The fish are also at their strongest.
Jack with 30" trout

I love, love, love catching these 4-8lb lake trout on ultra light rods with light line.  The fight is so much fun.  Almost every trip have kids on the boat and it is so much fun seeing the joy and pleasure they experience pulling in a 30" lake trout on an ultra light rod.  It gets them "hooked" on this healthy sport.  Jessica especially was putting on a clinic this spring.  She is always good for 3-4 lake trout per trip.

She with a nice fish 
I have never lost a trout to a broken line on these light weight rigs.  When I first started fishing lake trout I was using medium-heavy rods with braided line and a 10 pound leader.  I caught fish but it felt like pulling in a "wet boot", as my friend Dave calls it.  On a Canadian fishing trip in the James Bay region I started to experiment with lighter rigs and lines on 40" pike.  I eliminated all the tackle, used very light fluorocarbon line as leaders and made sure the drag was set properly.  I have fond memories of catching a 42" blue pike on 6 pound test.  For Keuka Lake trout I use 6 lb line on the spool and tie a 2 foot piece of either 2 lb or 4 lb test fluorocarbon line as a leader.  I use blood knots and no terminal tackle.  I have yet to lose a fish to break off.

This February, March, and April I enjoyed the company of friends and family on the water.  I recently have been keeping a fishing diary  for the DEC and have caught 27 lake trout in 7 outings. I have never kept such a diary but I am already learning from it  It is a volunteer program and participants are provided other angler diary records form previous years.

Jack, Jessica, Shu and Johnny-Boy
Some of the trout I smoked and made a dip out it for easter.  My brine is a traditional salt, brown sugar, soy sauce, and fruit mix.  I then mix the trout in a mixer with lemon, garlic, sour cream, and cream cheese.  Perfect for  an appetizer.
Only trout caught on eastern fork.  April 14 2017

Jessica puts on a clinic

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