Sunday, November 25, 2012

Final preparations

Wrapping up the final days of prepping for deer season.  Today I took my mower out to the Suor property where I mowed my paths through the leaves so as to make for quiet walking next week.  While on this ride I was mowing in front of Dave's treestand where I saw three bucks an a doe.  They could have cared less about me on the lawn mower.  It was too funny.  I drove right up to them while the big buck was chasing away the little bucks.

Later Tracy, Jake, the dogs and I went out to Bloomfield to examine our hunting spots for opening day.  This year both Jake and Hannah will be going which will be extra special.  I reminisced the many years of going out there with the kids when they were little and we used to have a picnic on the ridge behind my stand.  Our dogs Willow and Ember enjoyed the run through the woods.  We saw lots of buck sign including this huge buck rub.  I hope to meet the owner of this piece of work.

Earlier in the week a buddy of JP's brought up his ten-point that he shot in Geneseo.  A real big bruiser.  I counted only 5 teeth on this buck and later would learn the taxidermist aged him at 5 1/2 years.  We saved the shoulders and had some incredible sandwiches on Sunday, thanks to Mr. Flanagan.  He bought a new slicer and used it on the smoke shoulders.  Really good!

1 comment:

pike fishing said...

Nice pictures please upload more