Saturday, December 10, 2011

Winding down shotgun season

I have given up on the out in the woods an hour before work routine of the past 20 years.  I have found that doing this only results in getting tired and cold by the time daylight strikes.....then you blow your hunting by fidgeting...I have been out in the woods at 7 am and have enjoyed seeing more deer than ever before in my life.

With 4 doe tags to fill I headed out to Bloomfield and enjoyed an awesome day of hunting, reading, and probably walked 2-3 miles up and down ridges hunting with a family member JP.  Tons of turkeys today and the melting snow made it very slick walking down the ridges such that I took a slip and slide down a muddy slope worthy of the TV show 'Wipeout". 

10pt with 11th point broken shot with Jake's 20 gauge single shot

JP and his "Bad Boy" electric buggy saved the day for hauling this big guy out of the woods.  Brud is in Florida running the beaches with Molly so JP was called in to help.  Very grateful that he obliged. 

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